Jealous of My Kid's Dorm Room: College Now vs. Then


Tubby goes to college, well, her daughter that is. In this episode, we're dishing out the juicy deets on how college life has gone from "meh" to "oh yeah!" since the good ol' 1990s. Get ready to have your mind blown as we spill the tea on swanky dorm rooms, dining upgrades that'll make your taste buds dance, and amenities that could give a fancy spa a run for its money.

Remember those dorm rooms that were cozier than a clown car? Yeah, those days are ancient history. Nowadays, it's like students are checking into the Ritz-Carlton of dorm living. We're talking spacious layouts that are basically bigger than some studio apartments, chic furniture that wouldn't be out of place in a design magazine, and bathrooms that are so private, you'll forget you're even sharing a building with other people.

And BT wants to know where all the average looking girls (like herself) went to in college?



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