WTH is Wrong with our Kids?!?!


We suspect social media (surprise). 

In the most recent Gap Girls Podcast episode titled "WTH is Wrong with Kids Today," hosts Tubby and BT delve into the concerning rise of mental health issues among today's youth, attributing a significant portion of the problem to the omnipresence of social media in their lives. BT is still traumatized from rejection 40 plus years ago and explores the double rejection if social media had existed.  They chat about the lack of  privacy online, pointing out how being a teen nowadays means your whole life is out there for everyone to see.

They discuss the ways in which the constant comparison and the pressure to conform to unrealistic standards contribute to a heightened sense of anxiety and depression among the younger generation. And if adults have FOMO from social media, how can we even imagine the impact on our kids? BT and Tubby share personal anecdotes and insights from their own experience creating a relatable and empathetic space for listeners to reflect on the challenges faced by today's youth and young adults. 



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